october in the olive grove

october in the olive grove

We are approaching the busiest days of the year here at our olive grove in Central California. It is imperative that we keep a vigilant eye over our olives this month: when they first begin to take on a purple hue, it’s our sign to gear up and harvest. Enabling the olives to traipse too far into ripening will result in a lower quality oil with fewer antioxidants.

It’s hard to believe that the darker days of autumn are already upon us. But as we move into fall and winter, we see the trees letting go of their rusty leaves as a reminder for us to let go as well. Let go of what is no longer serving you. Let go of control, self-doubt, and destructive habits that keep you stuck in stagnant seasons. Let the grass grow over your pathways of negative thought until they become mere vestiges of trails no longer trekked. Your mind, body, and spirit are all in cycles with nature. So, as the mists roll in and our side of Earth tilts away from the sun, let it be a reminder that it’s time to move on. It’s time to embrace change—just as the seasons do.
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